Call for Papers
This conference will examine the identity of music repertories from around 1500. We understand repertories here as a group of musical works coherently linked together via cultural, geographical or institutional associations.
Although the conference stems from a project dissecting Iberian music, we are also interested in researching the methodologies and contexts regarding analysis and source studies on repertoires. For this reason we would be delighted to hear from current research with similar scope and methodological concerns, irrespective of the geographical or cultural area.
Moreover, as the project aims at providing elements that allow re-evaluating the position of Iberian polyphony within the wider European canvas, we would be especially interested in proposals dealing with exchanges and cross-fertilisation between specific repertories of various geographical and cultural areas.
With this in mind, we welcome papers developing any of the following topics in relation to repertories from the 1470s to the 1520s:
1. Repertories and Styles:
- Structural and syntactic patterns that characterize
a repertory
- Stylistic differences in regional repertories
- Stylistic markers as aids for ascertaining authorship
and origin
- Analytical tools for the identification of stylistic markers
2. Repertories and Contexts:
- Cross-influences and exchanges within a pan-European context
- Formation of repertories
3. Repertories and Sources:
- Interrelations between sources
- Processes of transmission and dissemination
- Philology of works and repertories
Abstracts for 20-minute papers (max. 250 words) and short biographies (max. 150 words) should be sent to <> by 31 January 2018. Participants will be informed of whether their abstracts have been accepted by 15 February 2018.
Since, in principle, we do not wish to have parallel sessions, so that participants are able to attend the whole event, there will be room for twenty-six papers, including presentations by the project team members. However, the format of the conference may be adjusted depending on the number and relevance of the proposals received.
We intend to publish a volume containing a number of papers presented at the conference, which will go through a process of selection, peer review, and editing, as per academic standard.